We have a few more shows left in 2023, but I had some time so I put this together from our travels this year. I counted about 85 events, 33 states, 8 not so lavish hotels, 10's of thousands of photos and videos and a whole lot of fun and great people. We have big plans for 2024 so stay tuned and thank you for being with us in 2023.
BUY THE MERCH! Our swag and general cool car stuff! https://racersandrodsmerchstore.printify.me/products
Like our videos? You can contribute thru PayPal and see your name in the video description! CLICK: https://mercury.streamelements.com/racersandrods/tip
We're on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Racersandrods
And on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/racersandrods/
We use LickD for all our music Check them out https://app.lickd.co/r/racersandrods
Thank you for your support {user}! Much appreciation!